
I’ll Teach You Everything You Need To Know About Launching and Scaling Your Online Service-Based Offers

While Finding Purpose And Feeling Fulfilled

I’ll Teach You Everything You Need To Know About Launching and Scaling Your Online Service-Based Offers

While Finding Purpose & Feeling Fulfilled

This is your opportunity to learn how to build a service based business that stands out from the competition, provides you with an untapped income, and places the foundation you need to build the life of your dreams with confidence and clarity.
This is your opportunity to learn how to build a service based business that stands out from the competition, provides you with an untapped income, and places the foundation you need to build the life of your dreams with confidence and clarity.
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If There’s One Thing I’ve Learned After Building a 
7-Figure Agency…

"Success Isn’t All About Just Figuring Out ‘What You Need to Do To Achieve Your Goal.’ It’s More About Who You Have to Become To Be Worthy Of That Success."

If There’s One Thing I’ve Learned After Building a 7-Figure Agency…

"Success Isn’t All About Just Figuring Out ‘What You Need to Do To Achieve Your Goal.’ It’s More About Who You Have to Become To Be Worthy Of That Success."

- Adam power | founder

If you’re a professional or a college student 

Who wants to carve out a successful, fulfilling online business:
  • You're struggling to figure out which skills are essential to learn and where to focus your energy so you can start getting clients.
  • You're battling against self-doubt, constantly wondering if you're good enough, smart enough, or capable enough to create a life of freedom outside the typical 9-5.

If you’re an agency owner

Who know you’re meant for so much more:
  • You're struggling to differentiate yourself and be the go-to choice for clients in an oversaturated market.
  • You're trying to grow your client list without stretching yourself too thin or letting quality slip. 

All these challenges boil down to a fundamental truth…

Achieving success isn’t all about just knowing what to do next

It's deeply tied to your personal growth and evolution…becoming someone who can execute those next steps with confidence and clarity.

Because let's face it, even when we know what steps to take, fear, doubt, and the lack of support can still hold us back, keeping us from truly moving forward.

It’s not just learning how to develop the skills and execute external strategies that count, but also the internal transformation we undergo. And that’s exactly where I can help.

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Meet Your Guide: Adam Power

Meet Your Guide:
Adam Power

Hey, it's Adam.

You've seen my track record and how I can help you, but did you know that before all this success and my mission, I was just another guy trying to find his way?

Yeah, back in Ireland, where the digital scene was pretty much unheard of, I was stuck in a cycle of jobs that just didn't fit me.

I tried everything from college courses in carpentry to random jobs here and there – even got let go from a forklift driving position.

Talk about a series of unfortunate events, right?

Hey, It's Adam!

You've seen my 8 year track record and how I can help you, but did you know that before finding success and discovering my mission, I was just another guy trying to find his way for so long?

Yeah, back in Ireland, where the digital scene was pretty much unheard of, I was stuck in a cycle of jobs that just didn't fit me.

I tried everything from college courses in carpentry to random jobs here and there – even got let go from a forklift driving position.

Talk about a series of unfortunate events, right?

But unfortunately for me, it didn’t end there...

But unfortunately for me, it didn’t end there...

A couple of years ago, just before the Christmas holidays—
I lost my job.

The timing couldn’t have been worse. There I was, jobless, during what was supposed to be the happiest time of the year.

It felt like life was testing me, seeing how much more I could take before completely breaking down.

In that moment of despair, something inside me refused to give up. I had hit rock bottom, and the only way left was up.

So, I did something I never thought I'd do—I asked the internet for help. I typed "How do I create my own job?" into YouTube, half-desperate, half-skeptical.
A couple of years ago, just before the Christmas Holidays—I Lost My Job.

The timing couldn’t have been worse. There I was, jobless, during what was supposed to be the happiest time of the year.

It felt like life was testing me, seeing how much more I could take before completely breaking down.

In that moment of despair, something inside me refused to give up. I had hit rock bottom, and the only way left was up.

So, I did something I never thought I'd do—I asked the internet for help. I typed "How do I create my own job?" into YouTube, half-desperate, half-skeptical.
That search led me to discover Tai Lopez and the world of digital entrepreneurship. It was a world I didn't even know existed, full of possibilities I had never imagined.

I spent countless nights learning everything I could, from online marketing to the intricacies of e-commerce.

With each video watched and article read, I slowly started to piece together a plan. I was no longer just a guy who had been laid off; I was a man on a mission, determined to carve out a space for himself in the online world.

And Slowly, But Surely, Things Started To Change...

I began to see success, first in small wins and then in bigger achievements

Alone, I built an online advertising agency from the ground up called PwrdMedia, helping brands skyrocket their monthly revenue, some from $20k to over millions.

More than that, I started becoming the person I always knew I could be—the person who can make things work when he puts his mind to it.

I evolved into something completely different…confident, driven, and successful.

So, after getting through all those tough times and figuring things out, I remembered the promise I made to myself and to God:

“If I ever made it work for me, I'd show others how to do the same.”

That's When I Decided To Start Sharing Everything I Learned.
I wanted to be that person I needed when I was struggling—someone to guide, inspire, and show that it's possible to evolve and turn your life around with the right knowledge and hard work.

So, whether you're starting from scratch or looking to scale up, let me help you unleash the version of yourself that you know is capable of so much more.



Not Just A Program, A Movement Designed To Help You Evolve Into The Person You Need To Be To Succeed Personally and Professionally

 Select a program:

Perfect For Anyone Who’s Getting Started In Carving Out A Fulfilling Online Career:

  • Exclusive Access to Our Online Community With 50+ Live Classrooms taught by me, my team and other experts in their fields, full of training content systemized and designed to help you grow personally, understand and generate money online.
  • Access Training Covering Everything From Foundational Structures, Service Delivery & Systemization, consulting, lead generation to content creation, to mastering digital service delivery with Facebook ads, Google ads, email marketing and beyond.
  • Learn the Secrets of Goal Setting, Mindset Training & Constructing Your Self Image through our Personal Development & Thinking To Success Classrooms.
  • How to Build a Brand, Structure Your Offer, and Write Sales Copy that Drives Your Business Forward;  plus how to package it into proven sales funnel that attracts dream clients hand over fist.
  • Unleash Your Best Self With Training on self-image, personal growth, the right type of goal setting, building confidence & expanding you personal network.
  • 100+ Hours of Wealth Building Material that will train you in growing a successful service based business, client acquisition, sales, and ways to break through financial limiters. 
  • Cultivate a Winner’s Mindset with our personal transformation training content & embrace becoming the new YOU
  • Create Impactful Change as a Leader with our coaching and consulting training, empowering you to guide those who you serve towards their success.
  • Engage With Like-Minded Individuals in our Elite networking groups, forming the like minded life long friends.
  • Get the Support You Need — 1 call per day w/ Adam and 5 per week with the Pwrd team, industry leaders and successful individuals from all corners of the globe.
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Perfect For Agency Owners, Growth Partners, And Online Service Based Businesses Ready To Scale & Establish Themselves And Their Business With  Personalized Guidance:

  • Access The Comprehensive DWY 6-Stage Course on building and scaling your business without overwhelm, burnout & lack of direction.
  • Exclusive Access To Skool Hub, a dedicated space for our 1 on 1 coaching with Adam & our Success Team.
  • Learn How To Craft Compelling Offers And Acquire Dream Partnerships to help you scale your biz to 6-7 figures.
  • Connect With An Elite Network Of Like Minded Individuals to help you with your personal and professional growth.
  • Get Advanced Personalized Guidance With Weekly Calls from Adam, and expert in the field, or a dedicated customer success manager.
  • Get Advanced Support By Engaging In Three Group Calls Per Week, including sessions led by Adam, C Suite Teams & Industry Experts for deeper learning and connection.
  • Learn Directly From The World’s Leading Entrepreneurs through monthly special guest appearances.
  • Access Advanced High Level Content Daily, shared by Adam, coaches, and community members. All actionable & systemized to implement in your business right away
  • Master The Art Of Service Delivery with over 150+ trainings covering all aspects of online marketing, trialed and tested with over 100M USD in budgets and a combined 50+ years of experience
  • Equip Yourself With 7-Figure Success Tools... A.K.A. Million dollar plug n play templates & resources. (Including overall business and project management hub, SOPs for everything, service delivery, onboarding, report templates, sales pipeline, funnel onboarding, outreach tracking and systemization, appointment setting & MANY MORE).
  • BONUS! 70+ Training Content Bundle that covers everything from personal development to advanced scaling skills online from Adam and a network of experts globally.
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done with you coaching

A Closer Look On Everything You Get From The Pwrd Accelerator

If you’re serious about building and scaling your business to 6 figures and beyond, 
our one-on-one coaching program is the best place to start.
If you’re serious about building and scaling your business to 6 figures and beyond, Our One-On-One Coaching Program Is The Best Place To Start.


Elite Strategies To Find Opportunities, Crush Your Goals, and Develop a Winner’s Mindset

In this module, we're diving into how you can spot those hidden gems of opportunities to keep your revenue streams flowing endlessly.

And those big, scary goals? We're breaking them down into bite-sized, totally doable steps. No more staring at the ceiling at 2 AM wondering how you're going to make it all happen.

Plus, we’re not stopping there. We’re also going to shift your mindset to that of a true winner so you start seeing challenges not as roadblocks, but as launchpads to your next big breakthrough.


Advanced Mastery Course on the Foundations of a Successful Business

Throughout this module, you'll uncover the secrets behind what makes a business successful.

Too often, the critical foundations of a thriving business are overlooked, but ask any successful entrepreneur, and they'll tell you: mastering the basics is non-negotiable for growth.

So, get ready to dive into the core principles that will help you not only understand but also apply the essential strategies for building a strong, enduring business.


High-Level Secret Strategies on Positioning Your Offer & Dominating Market Spaces

Ever wonder why some products or services become the talk of the town, while others barely make a ripple? It’s all about positioning.

And in this module, you're going to learn the high-level strategies that the big players use but rarely share.

We’re not gatekeeping anything!

By the end of this module, you’ll take your offer from being just another option to being the option that everyone can’t stop talking about.


Sales, Client Acquisition, and Business Expansion Mastery Course

Sick and tired of not knowing how to handle an objection? You know, the usual… "I'll think about it" instead of a confident "yes"?

This module is all about changing those moments for good as we teach you how to tackle those objections and tricky conversations head-on.

You'll learn how to listen, respond, and guide the discussion in a way that reassures your client and demonstrates the undeniable value of what you're offering.

And for expansion? You'll learn when to expand, so you don't burn out. We'll turn the idea of expanding your business into a smooth and logical step forward, rather than an overwhelming challenge


Client Success Blueprint: Mastering Service Delivery For Lifetime Retention 

"Profit in business comes from repeat customers, customers that boast about your project and service, and that bring friends with them."

This profound insight from W. Edwards Deming, a legendary figure in the world of business lays the foundation for Module #5.

See, we’re going to make sure you learn how to deliver your service in a way that your clients are so satisfied, they wouldn't dream of going elsewhere.

And we’re going to teach you how to build strong, lasting relationships that lead to repeat business and glowing referrals.


Operational Mastery Framework for Scalable Success

The smoother your operations, the faster and more efficiently you can scale.

In this module, we’re giving you the tools and strategies to streamline your operations, making everything from onboarding new clients to managing your daily tasks feel like a breeze.

We're talking systems, processes, and automations that work as hard as you do, making sure you're focusing on growth, not getting bogged down by the nitty-gritty.


Access Million Dollar Plug n Play Templates & Resources

The smoother your operations, the faster and more efficiently you can scale.

In this module, we’re giving you the tools and strategies to streamline your operations, making everything from onboarding new clients to managing your daily tasks feel like a breeze.

We're talking systems, processes, and automations that work as hard as you do, making sure you're focusing on growth, not getting bogged down by the nitty-gritty.


Advanced Support and FAQ Hub

This part of our program is where we combine the power of personalized guidance and community wisdom.

Imagine having direct access to monthly calls with Adam or a dedicated Customer Success Manager to give you tailored advice specific to your journey, making sure you're never stuck.

Not only that, but you'll also be part of three weekly group calls, including sessions led by Adam and a CEO. These calls are where your toughest questions find answers, and your biggest challenges meet solutions.

Plus, you'll join an elite network of individuals who are just as committed to growth as you are. Together, we tackle hurdles, share wins, and push each other towards our fullest potential.


Bi-Weekly Workshops With Industry Leaders

Where else can you get a chance to meet industry leaders on a bi-weekly basis?

This is your shortcut to wisdom that books or online courses can't replicate. Whether you're looking to refine your strategy, boost your operations, or just get inspired, these bi-weekly workshops are your chance to tap into decades of experience, learning the dos and don'ts from those who've been where you aim to go.


150+ Trainings That Cater to Every Aspect Of Your Growth —  No Matter What Stage You Are At

We divide these 150+ training into different relevant categories and stages to browse through.  All of which are focused toward giving you practical advice and strategies to help you grow personally and make money online.

From our extensive library, you'll dive into topics like improving your self-image, mastering the art of networking, and becoming a new, more empowered you. You'll learn how to craft irresistible offers, streamline your sales process, and build a personal brand that stands out in a crowded digital space.

But we don't stop there. You'll also get hands-on with advanced techniques for making money online, from META Ads to Google Ads, TikTok strategies, and beyond.

This bundle literally has almost everything you need to start learning the skills necessary to take your personal and professional development to the next level.
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Getting Started online

Here’s Everything You Get From
The Pwrd University

Here’s Everything You Get From The Pwrd University

The University has over 50+ Trainings that cater to every aspect of your growth. 
We divided our training into five different Stages.
The University has over 50+ Trainings That cater To Every Aspect Of Your Growth. We Divided Our Training Into Five Different Categories.
After Your Welcome Pack & Onboarding, You Immediately Get Access To 100s Of Recordings, 7 Figure Plig & Play Resources, A Masterclass Hub & Much More.. Then Start Going Through Each Relevant Stage Listed Below:
After Your Welcome Pack & Onboarding, You Immediately Get Access To 100s Of Recordings, 7 Figure Plig & Play Resources, A Masterclass Hub & Much More.. Then Start Going Through Each Relevant Stage Listed Below:


Business And Marketing Mastery

Every piece of content under this category is designed to help you thrive in the digital world.

From crafting irresistible offers to mastering the art of the sale, building your brand, and harnessing the power of digital marketing across platforms like META and Google, we've got you covered.

And that's just the beginning. You’ll also learn how to generate leads like a pro, write copy that converts, and close deals that seem out of reach.

Plus, we're all about the long game – so we’ll also be teaching you how to build a roadmap to freedom that aligns with your unique vision for success.


Personal Development and Lifestyle

Here, we focus on the transformative power of personal growth, helping you craft a personal brand that shines, build confidence, and even navigate the complexities of relationships and dating with ease.
Our lifestyle courses, including fitness training and mindfulness practices, are designed to energize your body and mind, setting the foundation for success in every area of your life.


E-commerce and Digital Entrepreneurship

Whether you're launching your first product or looking to expand your digital presence, our expert-led content is tailored to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to generate the kind of income that you've only dreamed of before.
We’ll walk you through Shopify and web development, making the daunting task of setting up your online store a breeze. But it doesn’t stop there - we're also tackling how to scale your e-commerce brand to heights you didn't think were possible.

Plus, you’ll learn how to market yourself as a brand. From leveraging social media to becoming an influencer in your space, we’ve got the strategies that will put you on the map.

And if you’re thinking about making 10k per month, that isn’t just a dream—it’s a very achievable reality with the training we provide.


Networking and Community Engagement

This segment is all about opening doors to opportunities you never knew existed, by putting you in touch with a community of movers and shakers in your industry.
This is your chance to engage with like-minded individuals in our elite networking groups.

These are spaces where ideas flourish, collaborations are born, and lifelong connections are made.


Professional Growth and Leadership

In this segment, we’re going deep into long-term success and influence.

Here, you’ll find lessons teaching you how to create value that guarantees your customers will come back, how to climb to the top 1% in your field, and how to embrace roles that shape the future, like becoming a transformative coach or consultant.
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Does This Work? 

Don’t Take My Word For It, Look At What These People That I’ve Worked With in The Past Have To Say…

"I am so glad that I made that decision because the knowledge the team gives you is above and beyond, they will do anything to make sure you hit your goals. The blueprint's laid out, and anything that you need in between, they'll make sure that you get it. We've seen huge success already. So I could not recommend the guys enough."

Ronan Mcevoy

"We are only about 20k short of having a 7-figure run rate and having a 7-figure agency in the space of 2 years and that is absolutely insane. Listen to what Adam is telling you because the guy truly knows his stuff. He's doing absolutely great things. And on top of that, he's just a wonderful, fantastic human being too."

Marc Clifford

"Before the course, I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't have much confidence in myself. Then Adam came in and literally gave us a blueprint of how to build a 6-7 figure business, which is unbelievable in itself. But more than that, it's been the personal growth that I've felt since I've done the course. It's been absolutely life changing."

Killian Hurney

"If you're sitting on the fence about joining Adam's coaching program, let me put it this way. It's not just an investment in your business, it's an investment in your team, an investment in your clients, and ultimately your vision for what your business can become."

Luke Adams

"My experience in the Pwrd program has been extremely positive from start to finish. Adam and the team are alongside you, helping you set up your own branding, to getting your first clients, to scaling. When you have a few clients, they really go above and beyond just the marketing side of it. Teaching you mindset and even giving you contacts like a financial advisor, their hands-on approach has been extremely helpful for people just starting out."

Rory O Regan

"Adam has massively helped me and my agency and he has basically put my agency on the path for success because prior to working with Adam, I've struggled a lot with my mindset issues. And that was ultimately stopping me from progressing my agency at the rates that I wanted it to. He was able to get me out that freelancer mindset and finally start thinking like a business owner."

Curtis Kelleher

Here’s What’s Waiting For You...

If You Decide To Join The Pwrd University Or Accelerator...

A Simplified Process
To Success

A Simplified Process
To Success

Cut through the noise and focus on what really works. This means getting access to clear, easy-to-follow strategies that don’t require you to figure everything out from scratch. 

Cut through the noise and focus on what really works. This means getting access to clear, easy-to-follow strategies that don’t require you to figure everything out from scratch. 

Success Without Trading Your Life Away

Success Without Trading
Your Life Away

We’re going to guide you in streamlining everything about your service-based business so you can lead the life you've always wanted. We’re going to make sure you’re not replacing a 9-5 grind with a 24/7 hustle.
We’re going to guide you in streamlining everything about your service-based business so you can lead the life you've always wanted. We’re going to make sure you’re not replacing a 9-5 grind with a 24/7 hustle.

Access to 7 Figure Resources

Access to 7 Figure Resources

We're going to give you everything that powered our journey to a 7-figure success. From essential SOPs to game-changing sales and marketing templates, you’re getting access to everything you need to elevate your business or career to new heights.
We're going to give you everything that powered our journey to a 7-figure success. From essential SOPs to game-changing sales and marketing templates, you’re getting access to everything you need to elevate your business or career to new heights.

Community of Like-minded Individuals

Community of 
Like-minded Individuals

Join a group where everyone's pushing forward, just like you. It's a space where you can share ideas, get advice, and support each other.

Join a group where everyone's pushing forward, just like you. It's a space where you can share ideas, get advice, and support each other.

Access to Industry Leaders

Access to Industry Leaders

This is your chance to learn from the best in the business, giving you a huge advantage against your competitors.

This is your chance to learn from the best in the business, giving you a huge advantage against your competitors.

Next Level Support & Guidance

Next Level Support & Guidance

You're never on your own with us, especially with our daily and weekly calls. No matter what you're up against. We're here for you every step of the way. 
You're never on your own with us, especially with our daily and weekly calls. No matter what you're up against. We're here for you every step of the way. 

Unprecedented Value That You Won’t Find Elsewhere

PWRD is giving you everything you need for your personal and professional growth. From mastering the digital marketplace to refining your personal wellness and mindset, PWRD equips you with the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to excel in today's fast-paced world.

Unprecedented Value That You Won’t Find Elsewhere

PWRD is giving you everything you need for your personal and professional growth. From mastering the digital marketplace to refining your personal wellness and mindset, PWRD equips you with the knowledge, tools, and support necessary to excel in today's fast-paced world.
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client testimonials

Here’s More Of What People Have To Say…

"Adam helps you improve your mindset, helps you see things differently, and helps you see the bigger picture. And that there is actually more to life, he helps you appreciate everything and gratitude. So I definitely would recommend them."

Oran Doughty

"You will start to see the results almost immediately, when you start putting in that work and you start to think about things differently and start structuring things differently and the way that they make you do it, you will honestly not regret the decision to invest in this coaching."

Marc Clifford

"Can't recommend them enough, and not only from a knowledge point of view, but also the accountability they provided, the documents, the insights, and obviously learning from people who've been there and done. It really, really helps with your business."

Cormac Donnellan

"It's been the best investment I've ever done. He knows the stuff. He keeps you accountable, which is obviously the main thing. But going into that, I think I had one client signed, a good few clients signed, a lot more verbally agreed as well which is massive."

Sean Cronin

"100% I would recommend it. Adam did a really, really good job of straight away diagnosing any problems in my business, and he actually did a really good job of showing me what I needed to focus on to move the needle forward in my business at the time."

Ciaran Finn

"Since joining the program, things have moved along very quickly. I've worked closely with Adam and the team to develop a really strong vision for the business. We've created an excellent offer to bring to the market, and I've also got a lot of knowledge and guidance in terms of the internal structures that I need to implement in order to scale the business as quickly as possible."

Darragh Kelly


“Is Pwrd University Or Accelerator The Right Program For Me?”

The PWRD University or Accelerator Is for You If…

  • You're hungry for growth and have a deep desire to expand your knowledge, skills, and personal development to reach new heights in your career or business.
  • You’re looking for a supportive community and believe in the power of networking and learning from a community of like-minded individuals.
  • ​You're a doer! If you're ready to put in the work, take advantage of expert guidance, and use proven resources to accelerate your journey, the PWRD University or Accelerator is for you.
  • You're committed to long-term success, and you understand that meaningful achievements take time, perseverance, and continuous effort.

The PWRD University or Accelerator Is NOT for You If…

  • You're not ready to take your ambitions seriously, this might not be the right fit. This program demands dedication and a strong commitment to growth.
  • You don’t have any clear goals. This program is designed for people who know what they want and are eager to make it happen.
  • ​Your idea of a day well-spent is more about binge-watching than building your future. This tells us that you are not ready to work on your dreams and you’re content with watching your life unfold from the sidelines.
  • ​You're fine living a life you're not thrilled about, sticking to what's familiar and not chasing after what could make you happier.
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Which Path Are You Willing to Walk On?

Right Now, You Have Two Options...

Take A Leap And Join Pwrd So You Can Level Up and Succeed, Or Ignore This And Figure Things Out On Your Own…

option #1

What Life Looks Like When You Join Pwrd University or Accelerator…

  • You fast-track your success with expert guidance and strategies that actually work. No more guessing games or wandering in the dark. You’ll have a clear, actionable path that’s been proven to deliver results, saving you both time and money.
  • You save a lot of time by learning skills that actually matter. Information overload is a thing of the past and you have access to high-level and advanced secrets that only successful industry leaders know.
  • You feel supported and you know that when you encounter a challenge, you have a group of people in your corner that will help you.
  • Opportunities come to you, instead of you desperately hunting for them 24/7. There's a shift in how success finds you now. Instead of tirelessly chasing after opportunities, they begin to seek you out. It's like you've become a magnet for prospects and clients that value your skills and passion.
  • You’re more confident, resilient, and skilled than ever before. You're now the person who makes things happen. Whether it's at work, in your personal projects, or just life in general, you feel ready for it all. This new you isn't just about being good at what you do; it's about knowing you can achieve whatever you set your mind to


What Life Looks Like When You Ignore This and Figure Things Out on Your Own…

  • You’re in a lot of trial and error trying to make things work (which can be expensive and time consuming). You'll make mistakes – which is totally normal – but it can take a lot longer to find your way to success.
  • You’re overwhelmed by information. The internet is overflowing with advice, courses, and "gurus" promising to show you the way. But how do you know what's legit? Sorting through all that can feel like trying to drink from a fire hose.
  • You feel alone, afraid, and anxious. Why? Without a community or mentors, who do you turn to when you hit a roadblock? Sometimes, just having someone to bounce ideas off of can make a huge difference.
  • You’re paying the cost of missed opportunities. While you're busy piecing together bits of knowledge and trying to make sense of it all, you might miss out on golden opportunities. Time is money, as they say, and the time you spend in trial and error mode could have been invested in growing faster with the right support.
  • You’re thinking of calling it quits. Let's be real – when things get tough, and there's no one to encourage you or show you that yes, you can do this, it's tempting to throw in the towel. It's not just about having the right tools, you know, it's also about having the right people in your corner.

Let’s Get Started! 

Let’s Get Started! 

Join Pwrd University or Accelerator… 

Join Pwrd University or Accelerator… 

Click the button below to see a glimpse of what PWRD has to offer.
Click the button below to see a glimpse of what PWRD has to offer.
                   100% Free Demo Call - No Obligation
100% Free Demo Call - No Obligation

frequently asked questions

Got Questions? We Got You!

  What will I be doing when I'm done with the program?

Once you're done, you'll be all set with everything you need to grow your business. You’re being handed the keys to freedom, with all the know-how to drive your success in the digital world.

  What will my life look like after the program?

It depends on where you're at right now! You might find yourself managing existing clients more efficiently, actively reaching out to new ones, refining how you deliver your services, or even in the throes of scaling your business to new heights.

But one thing is certain: you'll grow and become the person who makes things happen, with the potential to earn more than you ever thought possible.

With newfound confidence, skills, and strategies, you're no longer just getting by; you're thriving, making calculated moves that lead to real, measurable growth.

  How will I know which clients to go after?

There's a whole sea of opportunities out there, and we'll help you fish for them! In the beginning, we'll guide you closely to pick the best ones for you and find the right fit.

  I don’t have much experience or qualifications. Can I still make it?

Absolutely! This program is designed to take you from square one and build you up. We're here to learn and grow together, so you're in the right place.

  I’m working full-time; can I still manage this?

Yes, it’ll be a bit of a juggle and it'll take some hard work, but it’s going to be an exciting shift in your life. Many before you have done it, and so can you.

  I’m still in college. Is this doable for me?

Definitely. You've got the time, and we've got the plan. This could be your ticket to setting up a future with unlimited possibilities, right from your dorm room.

  What about payment plans?

Yes, we’ve got flexible and affordable payment plans. We want to make sure this is accessible to you, so you can start making big moves without the big financial stress.

  What if this doesn’t work out?

This program has a track record of success, backed by real results from people just like you. It’s about putting in the work and following the path we lay out together. Success is not just possible, it’s within reach. It’s just a matter of you making it work.

  Who else is in the group?

You'll be in good company with a bunch of like-minded people, all chasing their dreams and supporting each other. Everyone's on a similar journey, so you'll fit right in.

  How often will I be able to get to talk to you and the team?

We're talking every day! There’s always a call or workshop happening, so you’re always connected, supported, and on track.
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